Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler - The Best Of: Private Investigations (2CD) (2005)

08.02.2012 8:40 4
Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler - The Best Of: Private Investigations (2CD) (2005) Исполнитель: Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler (UK)

Название альбома: The Best Of: Private Investigations (2CD)

Стиль: Rock

Год выпуска: 2005

Размер: 325 Mb


01. Telegraph Road
02. Sultans Of Swing
03. Love Over Gold
04. Romeo & Juliet
05. Tunnel Of Love
06. Private Investigations
07. So Far Away
08. Money For Nothing
09. Brothers In Arms
10. Walk Of Life
11. Your Latest Trick

01. Calling Elvis
02. On Every Street
03. Going Home (Theme from The Local Hero)
04. Darling Pretty
05. The Long Road (Theme from Cal)
06. Why Aye Man
07. Sailing To Philadelphia
08. What It Is
09. The Trawlerman\'s Song
10. Boom, Like That
11. All The Roadrunning (Duet with Emmylou Harris)

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