Darkwoods My Betrothed - Heirs of the Northstar (1995)

20.06.2017 5:16 0
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Heirs of the Northstar (1995) Исполнитель: Darkwoods My Betrothed (Finland)

Название альбома: Heirs of the Northstar

Стиль: Black Metal

Год выпуска: 1995

Размер: 109 Mb


01. My Eyes Are Frozen (3:31)
02. One Son of the Northstar (5:36)
03. Uller (5:32)
04. From the Snowy Hillsides They Came (4:13)
05. In a Silent Night (4:35)
06. Come Fimbulvetr (5:27)
07. Yggdrasil`s Children Fall (16:04)
- Act I: The Death of Balder
- Act II: A Farewell to the Son of Odin
- Act III: Hermod\'s Ride to Hel
- Act IV: The Bounding of Loki
- Act V: The Final Battle
- Act VI: A New Heaven, A New Earth

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