Divinity Compromised - Terminal (2017)

30.07 Divinity Compromised - Terminal (2017)

01. Terminal 02. Shelter In Place 03. My Escape 04. The Definition Of Insanity 05. The Last Refugee 06. Free To Speak 07. Legacy 08. The Fall Of Æstoria 09.
SikTh - The Future in Whose Eyes? (Mediabook Edition) (2017)

30.07 SikTh - The Future in Whose Eyes? (Mediabook Edition) (2017)

CD1: The Future In Whose Eyes01. Vivid (04:28) 02. Century of the Narcissist? (04:09) 03. The Aura (04:02) 04. This Ship Has Sailed (01:19) 05. Weavers of Woe (05:31) 06. Cracks of Light (feat. Spencer Sotelo) (04:13) 07. Golden Cufflinks (04:07) 08. The Moon\'s Been Gone for Hours (02:46) 09. Riddles of Humanity (03:46) 10.
Eastern High - Garden of Heathens (2017)

29.07 Eastern High - Garden of Heathens (2017)

01. Bottled Insanity 4:4902. Eyes of Heaven 4:1203. Evil Inc. 3:2404. Ghost of the Sea 4:4605. Garden of Heathens 4:4606. Clandestine Hunger 5:0107. The Pretender 5:0508.
Ignea - Sputnik (2017)

29.07 Ignea - Sputnik (2017)

01. Sputnik [03:44] 02. Firebird [04:03] 03. Mind the Past [05:29] 04. Planet War [06:37] 05.
Dan - Level (2017)

29.07 Dan - Level (2017)

01. ClockMaker02. North Star03. Landmines04. Seven Eyes05. NightLight06.
Rising Core - Under Thoughts (2017)

29.07 Rising Core - Under Thoughts (2017)

01. A Call Breaks the Silence02. Out of the Blue03. Broken04. Falling05. When the Fall Begins06. Into Darkness07. Reunion08. Going Up09. Better Choices10.
CARURA - Sunyata (2017)

28.07 CARURA - Sunyata (2017)

01. For My Self [05:51]02. Father [06:02]03. Crush [05:03]04. Of A Wolf And A Monster [05:31]05. The Swamp [06:53]06. The World From The Pleasing Pictures [07:09]07. Se7en [07:29]08.
DVNE - Asheran (2017)

28.07 DVNE - Asheran (2017)

01. The Crimson Path02. Viridian Bloom03. Thirst04. Descent Of The Asheran05. Sunsets Grace06. Rite Of Seven Mournings07. Edenfall08.
Chris Baines - TofuMakoToro (2017)

28.07 Chris Baines - TofuMakoToro (2017)

01. Chrono Trigger02. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow03. Sonic the Hedgehog04. Heavy Barrel05. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past06.
The Pilgrim - Star Cycles (2017)

28.07 The Pilgrim - Star Cycles (2017)

01. Nebula02. Gravity03. Fusion04. Ignition05. Starlight06. Red Giant07. Supernova08. Neutron Star09. Blackhole10.
Protean Collective - The Red And The Grey (2014)

28.07 Protean Collective - The Red And The Grey (2014)

01. Emerge 05:3102. In Waves 05:1203. Exposed 06:0904. I Waited 06:2905. Only One 04:2706. Caldera 04:2507. Room 16: Our Ghosts 04:5508. Reckless And Fearless 05:0209. Quiet In Wartime 04:5710. Until We\'re Bones 07:1511.
Protean Collective - Divided (2010)

28.07 Protean Collective - Divided (2010)

01. Introduction 01:5102. Won\'t Last Forever 04:5803. A Day 04:1304. Interlude 02:0105. Trust 05:0006. Tremors 06:4607. Come Down 05:3108. For You 04:2809. Untitled 04:3110. Once Again 05:3211.
Soul Secret - Flowing Portraits (2008)

28.07 Soul Secret - Flowing Portraits (2008)

01 - Dance Of The Waves (7:23)02 - First Creature (7:34)03 - Inner War (8.08)04 - Learning To Lose (7.12)05 - Regrets (4.28)06 - Tears Of Kalliroe (16.
Soul Secret - Babel (2017)

27.07 Soul Secret - Babel (2017)

01. Prologue02. What We\'re All About03. A Shadow on the Surface04. Will They?05. Logos06. Awakened by the Light07. Entering the City of Gods08. The Cuckoo\'s Nest09. Newton\'s Law10.
Protean Collective - Collapse (2017)

27.07 Protean Collective - Collapse (2017)

01. Dead Ends 02. Under Siege 03. You & I 04. Myopic 05. A Thousand Years 06. Shadows 07. The Drought 08. In Vain 09. Chained 10.
Kim Seviour - Recovery Is Learning (2017)

27.07 Kim Seviour - Recovery Is Learning (2017)

01. Chiasma 02. Call to Action 03. Connect 04. Fabergй 05. Mother Wisdom 06. The Dive 07. Where She Sleeps 08. Recovery Is Learning 09.
Cloudscape - The Very Best (2017)

27.07 Cloudscape - The Very Best (2017)

01. Darkest Legacy02. Under Fire03. Paid In Blood04. Take The Blame05. The Last Breath06. The Silence Within07. Breach In My Sanity08. Static09. Dawn of Fury10.
Endless River - Sundered Time (2016)

27.07 Endless River - Sundered Time (2016)

1. Every Drop Of Blood In Me2. What We Deserve3. Midwife Of New Hope4. End Of All Days5. Ordinary Day6.
Mystic Horizon - Endless Nightmare (2017)

27.07 Mystic Horizon - Endless Nightmare (2017)

01. The Longest Night 02:4802. Endless Nightmare 09:5003. The Highest Price Of Sin 08:0604. War 06:5605.
Dreadnaught - Collapse (Greatest Hits) (2017)

27.07 Dreadnaught - Collapse (Greatest Hits) (2017)

01. Living A Lie02. The Push03. Cold Sweat04. Moneyshot05. Losing It06. Fast Food On The Streets of Gold07. Agony / Ecstacy08. How Bad Do You Want It09. Swine Song10. Collapse11. Welcome To Oblivion12.