Anarkhon - Obesidade Morbida (2006)

18.09 Anarkhon - Obesidade Morbida (2006)

01. Acidental E Torturante Decomposicao (05:33)02. A Dor Da Imortal Putrefacao (02:36)03. Espetaculo De Horror E Tortura (04:45)04. Execucao Fetal (04:28)05. Inocentes Anjos Canibais (03:25)06. Obesidade Morbida (04:21)07. Prazer Em Torturar (03:27)08. Violador (05:08)09. Terror, Morte E Antropofagia (06:03)10. Satisfacao Em Costurar Um Corpo Retalhado Com Arame Farpado (Demo Track) (03:10)11.
Vitality - Voracious Malignity (2006)

14.09 Vitality - Voracious Malignity (2006)

1. Intro 2. Hemorrhoidal Flare Up 3. Given Up For Dead 4. Vitality5. Drinkin\' Embalming Fluid6. Belligerence7. Pipe Wrench Bludgeoning 8. Tearing Through Flesh9. Power Sanded Sackless 10. Locked In A Morgue Drawer 11.
Psychopathic Sadism - Teach Me To Kill (2008)

12.09 Psychopathic Sadism - Teach Me To Kill (2008)

1. Teach Me to Kill 2. I Am Dying for the Lust of the Others 3. 18.11.1979 4. Here Patholog 5. 26.01.2002 6. 24.06.1993 7. You Know You\'re Going to Die 8. Untouched and Perfect Bodey 9. Putrity 10. Abortion in Vivo 11. My 7 Years Old Nephew 12. I Hate You 13.
Backyard Burial - Symptoms Of Psychopathology (2009)

09.09 Backyard Burial - Symptoms Of Psychopathology (2009)

1. Covered in Pigs Blood2. Alternate Realities 3. Lunatic Ruling Asylum4. Catharsis Through Savagery5. Mental Infection6. Death To Narks7. Product Of A Sick Society8. The Abyss Of Insanity9. Last Of The Ruthless Cunts10. Unethical Transfer Of R.N.A.
Psychopathic Rage - Fight! Kill! Win! (2011)

09.09 Psychopathic Rage - Fight! Kill! Win! (2011)

1. Intro 2. Psychopathic Rage 3. Grave 4. Suicidal Cry 5. Fight! Kill! Win! 6. Human Carrion 7.
Psychopathy - Insanity Of Human Flesh (2015)

09.09 Psychopathy - Insanity Of Human Flesh (2015)

1. Sickening Introduction2. Extirpated Dismemberment3. Anesthetic Awareness4. Revenge5. Insanity Of Human Flesh Бонус-треки:6. Capital Punishment (Advanced Demo Version)7. Insanity Of Human Flesh (Promo 2013)8.
Drain of Impurity - Into the Cold Crypts of Dead Planet (2015)  Lossless

03.09 Drain of Impurity - Into the Cold Crypts of Dead Planet (2015) Lossless

01. Quasar Extinction & Abnormal Formation [06:31] 02. Orbital Vacuum Deformation [03:07] 03. Lost Necromorph Particles Through the Ionosphere [03:35] 04. Pathogenic Reanimated Cell Transformation & Mutation of Once Dead Flesh [04:27] 05. Dismembered Limbs Devoured by Nexus [03:42] 06. Infected Species & Reanimated Plasmadomic Codes to Swarm Formation [04:37] 07.
Dysphotic - Chaos Terrain [EP] (2015)

28.08 Dysphotic - Chaos Terrain [EP] (2015)

1. All Consuming 03:422. The Culling Of Man 02:553. Mother Of Pus 02:584. The Reaver 03:265. Corruptor Of Flesh 05:286.
Vitality - Voracious Malignity (2006)

28.08 Vitality - Voracious Malignity (2006)

01. Intro (00:38)02. Hemorrhoidal Flare Up (03:03)03. Given Up For Dead (04:21)04. Vitality (03:29)05. Drinkin\' Embalming Fluid (03:24)06. Belligerence (03:21)07. Pipe Wrench Bludgeoning (03:39)08. Tearing Through Flesh (03:16)09. Power Sanded Sackless (03:04)10.
Drain Of Impurity - Into The Cold Crypts Of Dead Planet (2015)

28.08 Drain Of Impurity - Into The Cold Crypts Of Dead Planet (2015)

1. Quasar Extinction & Abnormal Formation 06:312. Orbital Vacuum Deformation 03:073. Lost Necromorph Particles Through The Ionosphere 03:354. Pathogenic Reanimated Cell Transformation & Mutation Of Once Dead Flesh 04:275. Dismembered Limbs Devoured By Nexus 03:426. Infected Species & Reanimated Plasmadomic Codes To Swarm Formation 04:377. Incinirated Putrid Mass Of Slug 05:028.
Nile - What Should Not Be Unearthed (2015)

27.08 Nile - What Should Not Be Unearthed (2015)

1. Call To Destruction 2. Negating The Abominable Coils Of Apep 3. Liber Stellae Rubeae 4. In The Name Of Amun 5. What Should Not Be Unearthed 6. Evil To Cast Out Evil 7. Age Of Famine 8. Ushabti Reanimator 9. Rape Of The Black Earth 10.
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh (1994)

27.08 Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh (1994)

01. Defenestration 02. Abigor 03. Open Face Surgery 04. Serial Messiah 05. Born Headless 06. Swine Of The Cross 07. Gravaged (A Cryptopsy) 08. Memories Of Blood 09. Mutant Christ 10.
Murder Corporation - Murder Corporation (1997)

27.08 Murder Corporation - Murder Corporation (1997)

01. Chaos Killed The World 02. Out Of Bullets 03. Point Blank Range 04. Squeeze The Trigger 05. Colombian Necktie 06. Blood Money 07. Held In Bondage 08. Self Teached Judges 09. 9mm Lobodomy 10. Brand New Scapegoats 11. Creating Something I Despise 12.
Murder Corporation - Tagged And Bagged (2001)

27.08 Murder Corporation - Tagged And Bagged (2001)

01. Kill For Recreation 02. Bite Your Own Tail 03. Superior Firepower 04. Survive (Nuclear Assault Cover) 05. Slashed In The Trunck 06. Guerilla 2000 07. Me Against The World 08. Worth Shit 09. Reverse And Despise 10. Inhuman Endeavor 11.
Putridity - Ignominious Atonement (2015)

22.08 Putridity - Ignominious Atonement (2015)

01. Conceived Through Vermination 03:16 02. Portrait Of A Soiled Innocence 02:51 03. Dead Festering Drainage 02:46 04. The Bone Sculpture 03:24 05. Obstinacy To Heal The Malformed 03:02 06. Mortifying Carnality 04:00 07. Repugnance Enshrined In Deformity 02:31 08.