Dead Meat - Gory Artwork (2007)

29.09 Dead Meat - Gory Artwork (2007)

01. Body Nakek Mutilated 2.38 02. Fisting Open Ass 3.03 03. Smell Over The Rotten Pussy 2.04 04. Flesh Rotting Fast 3.09 05. Cannibalism 2.31 06. Kill Your Mother And Rape Your Dog 1.
Dead Meat - Stench Of Rotten Years (2009)

29.09 Dead Meat - Stench Of Rotten Years (2009)

01. Good Clean Cut 02:47 02. Body Naked Mutilated 02:40 03. Fisting Open Ass 03:05 04. Smell Over the Rotten Pussy 02:06 05. Flesh Rotting Fast 03:10 06. Cannibalism 02:33 07. Kill your Mother, Rape your Dog (Dying Fetus Cover) 01:14 08. Just Mutilated… 02:29 09. Invared by Worms 03:11 10. Fasciitis Necrotizing 04:55 11.
Gastrorrexis & Infectology - Putrescent Genetic Abnormalities Aberrations [Split] (2015)

29.09 Gastrorrexis & Infectology - Putrescent Genetic Abnormalities Aberrations [Split] (2015)

01. Gastrorrexis - Cryoincestal Rotten Bodies 03:2302. Gastrorrexis - Fresh Remains Immersed in Nitrogen 03:3503. Gastrorrexis - Paralyze the Descomposition Process 03:2504. Gastrorrexis - Die without Enough Violence over the Icebergs 02:4705. Gastrorrexis - Broken Face 04:0506. Infectology - Excoriated Skin 03:1707. Infectology - Engulfed Inside Disgusting 03:1708. Infectology - Pathological Extermination 04:3109.
Descane - Impossibility (2015)

27.09 Descane - Impossibility (2015)

1. Victim Of Slavery2. Inverted Civilitation3. Impossibility4. Paradox Of Life5. Blood Bondage6. Abandon Spears7. The Deceiver8. The Oblivion9.
Izurus - Brutal Decomposition (2015)

27.09 Izurus - Brutal Decomposition (2015)

1. The Initiation (Intro) 00:50 2. Brutal Decomposing 04:10 3. Brain Assault 03:13 4. Brazen Bull Torture 01:26 5. Theatre of War 05:13 6.
Pathologic Noise - Gore Aberration (2015)

23.09 Pathologic Noise - Gore Aberration (2015)

01. Never Ending Blood n\' Hate (02:37)02. Sexual Murder (03:14)03. Pathologic Metal Vision (02:56)04. Master of Suffering (03:36)05. Bloody Deliriums (02:24)06. Lights on the Dark Sky (03:31)07. Calling with the Dead\'s (03:27)08.
Abhorrence / Nephasth / Mental Horror / Ophiolatry - Brazilian Assault (Split) (2000)

23.09 Abhorrence / Nephasth / Mental Horror / Ophiolatry - Brazilian Assault (Split) (2000)

01. Abhorrence - Triumph in Blasphemy [04:12] 02. Abhorrence - Hellish Annihilation [03:09] 03. Abhorrence - Abhorer Existence [02:55] 04. Ophiolatry - Opposite Monarchy [02:49] 05. Ophiolatry - Chaos Domination [01:26] 06. Ophiolatry - Breaking the Bones of Jesus [03:59] 07. Nephasth - Gloomy Words [03:49] 08. Nephasth - Flames Triumph [03:11] 09.
Mental Horror & Queiron - Extreme Evolutive Trauma / Immortal Blood of Victory (Split) (1999)

23.09 Mental Horror & Queiron - Extreme Evolutive Trauma / Immortal Blood of Victory (Split) (1999)

01. Mental Horror - Flight on the Storms [01:17] 02. Mental Horror - Ghost (Under Therapy in a Crypt) [05:44] 03. Mental Horror - The Psychosys from the Picture [06:54] 04. Mental Horror - Enigmatical Human Hatred [03:11] 05. Mental Horror - A Change of Serial Precognitions / Evolutive Trauma [05:47] 06.
Despondency - eXTinCtion (2001)

21.09 Despondency - eXTinCtion (2001)

01. Mocking The Bird (03:51)02. There Is Nothing (03:48)03. Highest Form Of Brutality (01:01)04. Dogmatic Stranglehold (03:11)05. Extinguish My Own Race (05:01)06.
Victimario - Sculpture Of Insane Minds (2015)

19.09 Victimario - Sculpture Of Insane Minds (2015)

01. ...And Death Just Begun 05:2902. Blood Omen 04:2003. Chess Master 04:2704. Deflowering A Murderer 03:2305. God Of Shredder 05:1306. Last Canvas 03:2007. Night Stalker 05:4908. Porn Collector 05:4509. The Killing Process 03:3510.
Anarkhon - The Beginning of Everything (2014)

18.09 Anarkhon - The Beginning of Everything (2014)

01. Fodendo Na Sala De Necrópsia (03:24)02. Saudações, Sou A Desgraça (02:43)03. Prazer, Dor e Tortura (04:14)04. The Eye Of The Terror (03:27)05. Obesidade Mórbida (04:25)06. Acidental e Torturante Decomposição (04:39)07. Terror, Morte e Antropofagia (06:11)08. For God Your Soul...For Zombie Your Flesh (03:35)09. Corporal Sores (04:18)10.
Anarkhon - A Display of Horror (Compilation) (2013)

18.09 Anarkhon - A Display of Horror (Compilation) (2013)

01. Satisfação Em Costurar Um Corpo Retalhado Com Arame Farpado (Demo) (03:10) 02. Profecias De Um Psicopata Carniceiro (Demo) (04:00) 03. Inocentes Anjos Canibais (Demo) (03:18) 04. A Dor Da Imortal Putrefação (02:36) 05. Espetáculo De Horror E Tortura (04:45) 06. Execução Fatal (04:28) 07. Prazer Em Torturar (03:27) 08. Convent Possession (03:38) 09.
Anarkhon - Into the Autopsy (2010)

18.09 Anarkhon - Into the Autopsy (2010)

01. B D S M (03:19)02. Pieces of Flesh and Blood (02:27)03. Slaughter (03:08)04. Killing Deforming and Skinned (01:43)05. Worms (05:36)06. Possession (03:40)07. Stab in the Head (02:23)08. Return to Cum (03:17)09. The Last Pulsation (02:46)10. Suffering (02:26)11.