Sammath - Strijd (1999)

26.05 Sammath - Strijd (1999)

01. De glorie van het slagveld 02. Zwaardbroeders bij de bergengte 03. Strijd 04. Drakenbloed 05. De heidense vlam zal branden 06. Als duisternis de kasteel torens bedekt 07.
Sammath - Dodengang (2006)

26.05 Sammath - Dodengang (2006)

01. To Hell 02. Ravager 03. Dodengang 04. Ashes to Ashes 05. Imminence War Death 06. Stalingrad 07. Oblivion 08.
Sammath - Triumph In Hatred (2009)

26.05 Sammath - Triumph In Hatred (2009)

01. Blood 02. Burn in the Fires of Hell 03. Interlude Torment 04. Damnation 05. Blazing Storm of Steel 06. Triumph in Hatred 07.
Leichenzug - Das Letzte Gebet (2010)

26.05 Leichenzug - Das Letzte Gebet (2010)

01. M.s. - S.s. 02. Das letzte Gebet 03. Apokalypse 04. Das Morgengrab 05. Nennt mich Hass 06. Winternachtskrieg 07. Kadaver Christ 08. Totenkopflied 09. Heidnischer Boden 10. Meister der Angst 11. Leichenzug 12.
Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching​ - Le Cultes De Satan Et Les Mysteres De La Mort (2017)

25.05 Wampyrinacht - We Will Be Watching​ - Le Cultes De Satan Et Les Mysteres De La Mort (2017)

1. Under the Ruined Bridge 07:502. The Predator of Humans 09:013. She Lets the Flames Embrace Her 10:054. The Old Abbey 07:575.
Abomnium - A Hollow Path (2017)

25.05 Abomnium - A Hollow Path (2017)

01. Vigils02. The Lies That Bind03. Ignis Fatuus04. Blood Court05. The Furious Engines of Heaven06. A Plague Upon Your House07. Walls of Devotion08.
Negator - Panzer Metal (2010)

25.05 Negator - Panzer Metal (2010)

01. Dignity of War [00:04:47] 02. Alte werte [00:04:23] 03. Feuersturm [00:03:33] 04. Final Avoval [00:04:03] 05. Scent Of Styrax [00:05:07] 06. Misanthropic Manifest [00:03:45] 07. Panzer Metal [00:04:53] 08.
Negator - Gates To The Pantheon (2013)

25.05 Negator - Gates To The Pantheon (2013)

01. Epiclesis 04:45 02. Bringer Of War 03:46 03. The Last Sermon 04:49 04. Serpents Court 05:31 05. Nergal, The Raging King 05:54 06. Carnal Malefactor 03:36 07. The Urge For Battle 05:12 08. Atonement In Blood 04:10 09.
Devourer - Across The Empty Plains (2017)

25.05 Devourer - Across The Empty Plains (2017)

01. Insania02. Perdition03. Nexus of Evil04. Across the Empty Plains05. Deeds of Rancor06. Finem Vitae Cura07. Throne of Agony08. Extirpation09. A Misanthropic Introspective10.
Nyseius - De Divinatione Daemonum (2015)

25.05 Nyseius - De Divinatione Daemonum (2015)

01. De Casu Diaboli 02. Extinction Of The Seven Divine Spirits 03. Job\'s Revelation 04. Towards The True Light 05. Lamentation Prayers 06. Finis Terra Sancta 07. Possessor Of The Key To All Mysteries 08. Manifestation Of The Three Celestial Entities 09. Lucifer Contemplation 10.
Apparition - In The Name Of Chiu (2008)

25.05 Apparition - In The Name Of Chiu (2008)

01. Dark Apparition 02. Blackmusa From The East 03. In The Name Of Chiu 04. A Tear Of The Lost History 05.
Apparition - Blackmetal Spirit (2009)

25.05 Apparition - Blackmetal Spirit (2009)

01. Blackmetal Spirit 02. Route Of Hell 03. Popularity Fucking Koreamusic\'s Gruel 04. 鬼 哭 聲 05.
Apparition - Black Musa From The East Empire (Compilation) (2010)

25.05 Apparition - Black Musa From The East Empire (Compilation) (2010)

01. Dark Apparition 02. Blackmusa From The East 03. In The Name Of Chiu 04. A Tear Of The Lost History 05. Blackmetal Spirit 06. Route Of Hell 07. Popularity Fucking Koreamusic\'s Gruel 08. 鬼哭葦 09. Blacksouls Of The Fullmoon (Kalpa Cover) 10. In The Name Of Chiu - Live in 200 11.
Iskon - Tišina Usnulih Vekova (2008)

25.05 Iskon - Tišina Usnulih Vekova (2008)

01. Kos 02. Nikad Zaboravljeno 03. Zatrti Koreni 04. U Krvi Ponosnih 05. Bes Istočnih Vetrova 06. Gorčina Sećanja 07.
Iskon - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (2010)

25.05 Iskon - Gde Krug Vecni Svoj Beskraj Nudi (2010)

01. Track 1 (14:13) 02. Track 2 (13:57) 03. Track 3 (14:09) 04.
Wreche - Wreche (2017)

25.05 Wreche - Wreche (2017)

01. Pruning the Spirit02. Angel City03. Fata Morgana04. Petals05.
Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes (2010)

25.05 Bloody Sign - Chaos Echoes (2010)

01. Intro 1:00 02. Chord Temple 5:39 03. Down To Hell 4:45 04. For The Unknown 3:38 05. Voice From The Depths (Bass Interlude) 2:00 06. The Call 8:02 07. Primordial Sound 5:36 08. Symphony Of Bones (Drum Interlude) 1:55 09. Words Of Death 4:09 10. Khorde\'s Funerals (Guitar Interlude) 2:15 11.
Bloody Sign - Explosion Of Elements (2007)

25.05 Bloody Sign - Explosion Of Elements (2007)

01. Sepents\'s Sky Secrets 02. Ghost Riders 03. Alone and Bored (Creation\'s Trilogy Pt. I) 04. Crushing the Master Tree (Creation\'s Trilogy Pt. II) 05. Iron Genesis (Creation\'s Trilogy Pt. III) 06. Winds of Vengeance 07. Wrath Omen 08. Apocalyptic Warriors (Massacra cover) 09.
Circle Of Ouroborus - Ruumistähdet (2017)

25.05 Circle Of Ouroborus - Ruumistähdet (2017)

01. Varjot Kutsuvat 02. Kiedottu Tomuun03. Tuulet Kutsuvat04. Usko On Talveni05. Kun Hiljaa Heikkenen06. Petetty07. Menneestä Irti08. Odotus09. Viha Hiekassa10. Käärme Kiertyy11. Muistot Kutsuvat12. Mieleni On Eksynyt13. Syksyn Saapuessa14. Loukossa15. Kylmästä Kylmempään16. Öisiä Vieraita17. Kuolleet Kutsuvat18.
Emyn Muil - Elenion Ancalima (2017)

25.05 Emyn Muil - Elenion Ancalima (2017)

1. Under A Silvered Star (03:31)2. The Lay Of Númenorë (14:04)3. Ar-Pharazôn (07:12)4. Far Umbar (08:16)5.