Rec008 - No Wake Up - No Sad (2014)

06.06 Rec008 - No Wake Up - No Sad (2014)

1. Fragment 3 2. Fragment 4 3. Morning Bird Song 4. Eternal Spring 5.
Rec008 - My Dear Eyes (2013)

06.06 Rec008 - My Dear Eyes (2013)

1. Fragment 12.
Jean Michel Jarre - Cities In Concert: Houston/Lyon (1987)  Lossless

05.06 Jean Michel Jarre - Cities In Concert: Houston/Lyon (1987) Lossless

1. Oxygène V 1\'302. Ethnicolor 11\'402a Part 1 2b Part 2 2c Part 3 2d Part 4 3. Magnetic Fields I 8\'104. Souvenir Of China 5\'365. Equinoxe V 6\'006. Rendez-Vous III (Laser Harp) 3\'557. Equinoxe VII 5\'298. Wooloomooloo 3\'229. Rendez-Vous II 11\'559a Part 1 9b Part 2 9c Part 3 9d Part 4 10.
Astwind - The Majestic Infinity (2015)

05.06 Astwind - The Majestic Infinity (2015)

1. The Majectic Infinity2. So Little Drops Between The Leaves3. Inner4.
All Our Fears And Love - Witch\'s Woods (2016)

04.06 All Our Fears And Love - Witch\'s Woods (2016)

1 - 13242 - XXI. Перемещение (Moving)3 - Другой Мир (Another World)4 - Ведьмин Лес (Witch\'s Woods)5 - Ковен (Coven)6 - שבש7 - Психотропное Воздействие (Psychotropic Effects)8 - XXI.
Noktern - Pavor Nocturnus (2015)

03.06 Noktern - Pavor Nocturnus (2015)

01. Introduksjon I: Komencanto De La Holokausṭa 02. This Empty Life 03. Immortal Blood 04. Konklusjon I: Alienation 05. Mellanakt I: Mental Khaos/Dungeons Of Darkness (Burzum Cover)/The Night Of Decay 06. Introduksjon II: Iṣṭha-Devatā ya Raktapa 07. Lying In The Snow 08. Call of the Nazgûl 09.
Phobos - Phobos (1999)

03.06 Phobos - Phobos (1999)

01. Phobos - Soul of Desire (6:25)02. Phobos - Earth Ritual (4:41)03. Phobos - Boltaan (5:17)04. Phobos - Nanuk (0:39)05. Phobos - Blind (5:24)06. Phobos - Gateways (4:39)07. Phobos - Suna (5:56)08. Phobos - 1969 (4:44)09. Phobos - Weightless (6:50)10. Phobos - Temple King (1:41)11. Phobos - Lotus Flower (4:41)12.
Endless Funeral - Dehumanization (2009)

30.05 Endless Funeral - Dehumanization (2009)

1. Introduction 2. Shrouded in Decadence 3. Abyss 4. Per Signum Caeleste Mortem 5.
Nostalgie Depression - El Canto De Las Aves En La Niebla (2014)

30.05 Nostalgie Depression - El Canto De Las Aves En La Niebla (2014)

1. Canto Al Ave2. Petalos De Una Escencia Real3. Vieja Madera De Acacia4. Alma Ausente Y Perdida5. Epicedio Lugubre6.
David Thomas - Edheldred: In Hoc Signo Vinces (2016)

30.05 David Thomas - Edheldred: In Hoc Signo Vinces (2016)

01. Fidei Defensor (4:56)02. Siempre Fidelis (4:08)03. In Hoc Signo Vinces (4:06)04. Domine Dirige Nos (3:44)05. Caelitus Mihi Vires (3:39)06. Dominus Illuminatio Mea (2:59)07. Ad Vitam Aeternam (3:22)08. Dominus Vobiscum (5:20)09. Gloria In Excelsis Deo (4:49)10. Dei Gratia (2:51)11. Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum (4:45)12. Libera Nos A Malo (2:42)13.
Automat - Automat (1978)

29.05 Automat - Automat (1978)

01. Automat: a) (The) Rise (6:09)02. Automat: b) (The) Advance (4:06)03. Automat: c) (The) Genus (6:40)04. Droid (5:25)05. Ultraviolet (6:48)06.
Dhampyr - June Sick Room (2014)

28.05 Dhampyr - June Sick Room (2014)

1. The Wind In The Hemlock2. Lilac (The Lowest Fire)3. Mugle And The Silk4. Vathek5.
Dhampyr - Acoustic Heroin (2014)

28.05 Dhampyr - Acoustic Heroin (2014)

1. Abishag2. Veins, Shorelines3. Holofernes4. The Sunburnt Terraces Which Swans Make Home5.
Dhampyr - Whiteshade Aphrodisiac (2013)

28.05 Dhampyr - Whiteshade Aphrodisiac (2013)

1. Delirium Tremens2. The Hermit Rain (Morphia Antares)3.
Dhampyr - The Lyric Of Methadone (2013)

28.05 Dhampyr - The Lyric Of Methadone (2013)

1. The Stars That Stalk The Flesh2. Litten Perfumes Of Ascharia3. Misère (Rehearsal Mix)4.